Zildjian ZXT Titanium 20" Medium Ride

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ZXT Titanium 20 Medium Ride 1.jpg
ZXT Titanium 20 Medium Ride 2.jpg
ZXT Titanium 20 Medium Ride 3.jpg

Group: Rides
Type: Medium Ride
Size: 20 Inch
Series: ZXT Titanium
Weight: 2695g
Years of production:2003 - 2006
Sound file: ZXT Titanium 20" Medium Ride
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The Rock and Medium rides were perfect sonic matches for the hi-hats. The Medium version was created to be a general-purpose ride. It exhibited great articulation, with a hint of dryness, a medium spread, and strong projection. Playing the bell with the tip of the stick didn't bring out quite everything that I wanted, but when I used the shoulder of the stick it cut through with a nice clang.
Meanwhile the Rock Ride was was dry and cutting, with a higher pitch and equally strong projection. Its bell was clear and solid. In fact, its sound was so pronounced that at times it reminded me of a cowbell. This characteristic immediately inspired me to explore some Latin-flavored ideas. The two rides complimented each other nicely when used together allowing for different voices to come from the same spectrum."
Review written by Mike Haid ("Product Close-Up - Zildjian ZXT Series Cymbals - Clean-Cut, Bright, And Good-Looking Too!", Modern Drummer, February 2003, pp.36-37)
Artist/song where it can be heard: