Sabian AAX 15" X-Celerator Hats
Group: Hi-Hats
Type: X-Celerator Hats
Size: 15 Inch
Series: AAX
Weight: Top: 1022g / Bottom: 1592g
Median Weight: Top: ?g (n=0) / Bottom: ?g (n=0)
Years of production: 2007 - ?
Sound file: AAX 15" X-Celerator Hats
AAX 15" X-Celerator Hats
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "Predictably, the 15" hats sound bigger and louder, as well as lower in pitch, and they have much more spread. But they retain traditional clarity, and they never sound out of control. Still, they'd be more appropriate in a loud rock situation than in funk or R&B music, where quick hi-hat barks are called for. They proved especially nice when used in a partly open, washy-ride application."
Review written by Rick Van Horn ("Sabian AAX Ozone Cymbals and AAX/HHX X-Celerator Hats - Less Is More Meets More Is More", Modern Drummer, June 2007, p.35)
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