Zildjian ZBT 18" Crash Ride
Group: Rides
Type: Crash Ride
Size: 18 Inch
Series: ZBT
Weight: ?g
Years of production: 1997 - ?
Sound File: ZBT 18" Crash Ride
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "At best, most cymbals marked "crash ride" are either okay crash cymbals and mediocre ride cymbals, or vice-versa. At worst they are mediocre (or just plain lousy) in both applications. But the 18" ZBT crash ride is a pretty darn good crash cymbal with a full-bodied sound and relatively quick response. Although I wouldn't recommend it to a pro for its ride capabilities, it sounds good enough that I would have no trouble recommending it to students who are trying to piece together their first kit and who can only afford one cymbal. It would work fine as a "starter" ride for private practice. Later, once the student can afford to add an actual 20" ride, the 18" ZBT crash ride could do what it does best as a crash."
Review written by Rick Mattingly ("Product Close-Up - Zildjian ZBT And ZBT-Plus Series", Modern Drummer, March 1998, p.43)
Artist/song where it can be heard: