Paiste Innovations 19" Heavy Crash
Group: Crashes
Type: Heavy Crash
Size: 19 Inch
Series: Innovations
Weight: ?g
Years of production: 2002 - 2005
Sound file: Innovations 19" Heavy Crash
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 19" Heavy Crash is also a thick cymbal with its main characteristics being bright and cutting tones. Despite its density, it emits a nice, full-bodied spread of sound when struck softly. bell is small but produces a strong, clean tone that carries. Ride characteristics are very defined, with a nice amount of wash. This cymbal would work well in a low- to medium-volume situation as a crash/ride."
Review written by Mike Haid ("Quick Looks - Paiste Innovation Cymbals", Modern Drummer, November 2002, p.51)
Artist/song where it can be heard: Joey Castillo