This page is a photo gallery of rare, odd, and one-of-a-kind Paiste items.
It is a work in progress.
New, Old Stock 1973 Formula 602 15" Sound Edge Hi-Hats in Box
New, Old Stock Blue Label Formula 602 15" Sound Edge Hi-Hats in Box
602 11" xtra heavy hi-hat
602 12" xtra heavy hi-hat
602 13" xtra heavy top. hi-hat
602 13" xtra heavy bttm. hi-hat
602 15" xtra heavy sound edge top hi-hat
602 15" xtra sound edge heavy bottom hi-hat
Sound creation ND 15" Short crash
Sound creation ND 17" Short crash
Sound creation ND 16" Dark China
Freddy Studer's 26" paper thin
Freddy Studer's 26" thin crash
Signature 18" Novo China Prototype
Signature 18" Novo China Prototype
Signature 18" Novo China Prototype