Paiste Innovations 16" Medium China

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Inv 16 china.jpg

Group: Chinas (and Swishes)
Type: Medium China
Size: 16 Inch
Series: Innovations
Weight: 830g
Median Weight: 830g (n=1)
Years of production: 2001 - 2005
Sound file: Innovations 16" Medium China
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The Innovations line features 16" and 18" medium China cymbals. Here again, the overall "tonal" theme of the line focuses on a heavier sound. The Chinas produce a full-bodied, powerful, and "dirty" punch. Each model offers an excellent, trashy wash, and each provides a nice variety of tones depending on the positioning of the cymbal and the angle of stick attack. They both display a rich, Oriental tone, and they really explode when hit sharply. These babies will cut through a wall of guitar amps with no problem."
Review written by Mike Haid ("Product Close-Up - Paiste Innovations Series Cymbals", Modern Drummer, September 2001, p. 60)
Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown