Paiste RUDE 15" Crash/Ride

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Group: Crashes
Type: Crash/Ride
Size: 15 Inch
Series: RUDE
Weight: ?g
Years of production: 1986 - 1993 as 3000 RUDE
Sound file: unknown
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: In my opinion, the RUDE Crash/Rides are, for the most part, not crash y, but rather platey. They don't open up easily,and when I do really give them a good whack with the stick, the sound is usually disappointing-more of a wall of volume than a burst of sound. The 15" might just change my opinion of Crash/Rides. It is louder than a usual crash of the same size, and unlike larger Crash/Rides, it has a nice bright tone.It's has a somewhat crashy quality,unlike the 18" I also had. This cymbal is designed more for cutting through loud volumes though, so Paiste's design is for it to be louder than musical. (Pardon the expression) In conclusion, this is a powerful crash, great for loud bursts when volume is needed, but not for anything soft.
Review written by Stranjluv101
Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown