Paiste Alpha 20" Power Ride
Group: Rides
Type: Power Ride
Size: 20 Inch
Series: Alpha
Weight: 2602g, 2606g, 2614g, 2640g, 2640g, 2642g, 2650g, 2656g, 2676g
Median Weight: 2640g (n=9)
Years of production: 1991 - 2006
Sound file: Alpha 20" Power Ride
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 20" Power Ride didn't sound as "pretty" as the Full Ride, but produced a very clean, precise stick sound that cut through higher volumes with good definition."
Review written by Rick Van Horn ("Product Close-Up - Paiste Alpha Cymbals", Modern Drummer, Nov. 1992, p. 44)
Review: "This cymbal is the antithesis of the Flat Ride. It's very heavy and produces a clean, distinct stick "ping." The cymbal's big bell offers a terrific bell-ride sound, and it also helps the cymbal produce a big build-up of sound—not a wash, just lots and lots of sustain."
Review written by Rick Van Horn ("Product Close-Up - New Paiste Cymbals And Sounds", Modern Drummer, Jan. 1997, p. 38)
Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown