Sabian AA 16" Extra Thin Crash

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Sabian AA 16 Extra Thin Crash 1.jpg
Sabian AA 16 Extra Thin Crash 2.jpg
Sabian AA 16 Extra Thin Crash 3.jpg

Group: Crashes
Type: Extra Thin Crash
Size: 16 Inch
Series: AA
Weight: 877g, 915g, 922g
Years of production: 1982 - ?
Sound file: AA 16" Extra Thin Crash
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "Drummers in high-volume situations assume that they could never use paper-thin crashes, due to breakage. But with some discretion, this could be a more effective crash than much large, heavier cymbals. The sound is very fast-a quick rich swell that cuts through, then dies away almost immediately. You don't have to hit them hard at all, and by getting a few of them in odd sizes, like 15", 16", and 17", you'll have a battery of 8th- and 16th-note accent cymbals."

Review written by Chip Stern (Modern Drummer, June 1984, pg. 72)

Artist/song where it can be heard: