Paiste Formula 602 14" Extra Heavy Hi-Hat

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Formula 602 14" Extra Heavy Hi-Hat
Formula 602 14" Extra Heavy Hi-Hat
Formula 602 14" Extra Heavy Hi-Hat

Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Extra Heavy Hi-Hat
Size: 14 Inch
Series: Formula 602
Weight: Top: 1219g / Bottom: 1252g (1985 Serial Numbers)

Top: 1256g / Bottom: 1272g (1984 Serial Numbers)
Top: 1252g (1987 Serial Number)
Bottom: 1278g (1984 Serial Number)

Years of production: ?
Sound file: Formula 602 14" Extra Heavy Hi-Hat
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: These hats are big and beefy, perfect for those seeking hi-hats that are loud, and can be heard through a wall of sound.
Review written by Bluejacketsfan
Artist/song where it can be heard: Greg d'Angelo, Alex Bally, Clive Burr, Jerry Chardonnens, Nicko McBrain