Zildjian Hi-Hat

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Zildjian Planet Z 13 Hi Hat 1.jpg



  • Short, crisp, clean response. Extra solid beat. Cutting power. (1)

K Zildjian

  • Deep, solid chick sound. Full, low-pitched response. Warm, dark "open" sound.(2)

Zildjian Kerope

  • Keropes hihats are handcrafted, dark, and complex, reminiscent of '50s and '60s cymbals but modern for today's music.(3)


  • Sharp, fast response. Well-defined "chip" sound with bright, focused tone.(4)

Information from:

  1. 1987 Zildjian catalog
  2. 1987 Zildjian catalog
  3. https://zildjian.com/products/kerope-hihats (retrieved July 17, 2024)
  4. 1987 Zildjian catalog

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