Zildjian Peter Erskine

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Peter Erskine


Bands / Acts: Weather Report, Steps Ahead, Stan Kenton Orchestra
Zildjian artist since: ? to Present
Styles: Jazz

Cymbal Setups

1975 (left to right)- Avedis Zildjian Cymbal Set-Ups of Famous Drummers

1977 - Zildjian Ad (Modern Drummer, Oct. '77)

1978 - Modern Drummer feature (Oct. '78)

1982 - Modern Drummer feature (Jan. '83)

1984 (left to right) - "Setup Update" (Modern Drummer (Sept. '84)

1986 (left to right) - Zildjian ad (Modern Drummer, Apr. '86)

1993 (left to right) - Modern Drummer feature (Nov. '93)

1996 (left to right) - Zildjian ad (Modern Drummer, Feb. '97)

2004 - Diana Krall "Live At The Montreux Jazz Festival DVD" - (left to right) - "Ask A Pro" - (Modern Drummer, Sept. '05)

Recommended Media


  • coming soon!


Links / Back

Band / Act Website: Official Website
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia

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