A Custom 16" Projection Crash

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A Custom 16 Projection Crash 1.jpg
A Custom 16 Projection Crash 2.jpg
A Custom 16 Projection Crash 3.jpg

Group: Crashes
Type: Projection Crash
Size: 16 Inch
Series: A Custom
Weight: 1076g, 1103g, 1104g, 1110g, 1117g, 1136g (2024 Serial Number), 1180g (2005 Serial Number), 1214g, 1220g, 1227g
Median Weight: 1127g (n=10)
Years of production: 1996 - Present
Sound file: A Custom 16" Projection Crash
A Custom 16" Projection Crash
A Custom 16" Projection Crash
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "Several leaps above the Edges on the Zildjian ladder is the A Custom line, a "contemporary-feeling" cousin to the very popular A Zildjian series. These new 16", 17", and 18" Projection models were designed to offer—guess what!—more projection than the standard A Custom crashes, and they certainly seem to do their intended job. The professional, versatile, cast-bronze A Customs have a lot of personality, and these new models do cut rather nicely through the din without losing any of that Custom character so many drummers have been digging lately. The 17" was especially sweet, with just the right amount of attack and decay."

Review written by Adam Budofsky ("Product Close-Up - New Zildjian Cymbals", Modern Drummer, August 1996, p. 44)

Artist/song where it can be heard: