A Custom 20" Flat Top Ride

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A Custom 20 Flat Top Ride 3.jpg

Group: Rides
Type: Flat Top Ride
Size: 20 Inch
Series: A Custom
Weight: 2135g, 2136g, 2207g, 2245g, 2268g, 2294g, 2299g, 2305g, 2316g, 2340g, 2360g, 2376g, 2434g
Median Weight: 2299g (n=13)
Years of production: 1995 - 2017
Sound File: A Custom 20" Flat Top Ride
A Custom 20" Flat Top Ride
A Custom 20" Flat Top Ride
A Custom 20" Flat Top Ride
A Custom 20" Flat Top Ride
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "I've occasionally heard people describe a cymbal as "glassy" when its sound features shimmering overtones, but it's not a term I've ever used myself—until now. Playing Zildjian's new 20" A Custom flatride evoked images of playing on glass—in that the sound has a delicate character and the overtones suggest transparency. Played in the context of an acoustic band, the cymbal's overtones filter through the sounds of the other instruments like light pouring through a tinted window—coloring the sound without obscuring it.

That's not to say that one must strike the cymbal with care; on the contrary, it sounds best when laid into with conviction. But the sound never builds out of control, and the overtones—which stop just short of sounding as though there's a rivet or two in the cymbal—never cover up the definition from the click of the stick.

For all its shimmering brilliance, the overall sound of the A Custom flatride is somewhat contained, and would probably get lost in extremely loud settings. But for acoustic jazz settings in which you want the cymbal to be present without being obtrusive, this cymbal would be ideal. (It sounds especially good behind a guitar.)"

Review written by Rick Mattingly ("Product Close-Up - New Zildjian Flatride And Splashes", Modern Drummer, August 1995, p.33)

Artist/song where it can be heard: