Bosphorus Stanton Moore 20" Trash Crash

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Bosphorus Stanton Moore 20 Trash Crash 1.jpg
Bosphorus Stanton Moore 20 Trash Crash 2.jpg
Bosphorus Stanton Moore 20 Trash Crash 3.jpg

Group: Crashes
Type: Trash Crash
Size: 20 Inch
Series: Stanton Moore Series
Weight: 1636g, 1661g, 1720g, 2034g
Years of production: 2005 - ?
Sound file: Stanton Moore 20" Trash Crash
Stanton Moore 20" Trash Crash
Stanton Moore 20" Trash Crash
Stanton Moore 20" Trash Crash
Stanton Moore 20" Trash Crash
Stanton Moore 20" Trash Crash
Bosphorus' Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 20" Trash Crash is a part animal. Ostensibly another high-profile, China-style cymbal, the Trash Crash features ten hammer clusters - like craters on the moon - evenly spaced around the circumference. Each cluster consists of roughly 15 hammer peen marks, made after the basic hammering was completed.

Those clusters mess with the sonic integrity of the cymbal something fierce! While traveling across those peaks and into those valleys, I located all sorts of disparate overtones and sweet spots for riding. (Curiously, this cymbal was marked "ride" on the bottom.) A strong, crashing blow generated a fat, throaty roar. Like the Pang Thang, the Trash Crash is emphatically not your "gunshot" China punctuation cymbal. Mount it right side up!"

Review written by T. Bruce Wittet ("Product Close-Up - Stanton Moore Cymbals - When Trash And Crash Are not Enough", Modern Drummer, January 2006, p. 31)