K Zildjian

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K Zildjian

K Zildjians.jpg

Introduction: Canadian made from 1978, American made from 1982
Updated & Improved: 2001 (1). According to a Press Release: "The new models feature lathing and hammering techniques that make them "warmer, more responsive, and more versatile than their predecessors."

Background: The Avedis Zildjian company took over the Turkish K Zildjian trademarks, and began producing K Zildian cymbals in Canada late in the 1970s. These were not produced exactly the same way the Turkish K Zildjians were, but they are still quite different in terms of hammering from the A Zildjian family. When production moved to the USA the trademark die stamp changed, the ink changed, and so did the lathing and some other production details. There isn't a single consensus year for the move to the USA, but it is most likely 1981±1 for development and mid 1982 for production and retail sales. The usual uncertainty applies because personal recollections, advertising material, catalogs, etc. don't all line up perfectly.

Alloy: B20

Quality: Professional

Production: Varies over the years

Company Description: K Zildjian cymbals continue to inspire drummers today with their deep, warm, and expressive sounds developed by Kerope Zildjian in 19th Century Turkey. Elaborate hammering and lathing techniques work the Zildjian alloy into versatile cymbals that are dark yet well suited for a wide variety of musical genres from jazz to rock.

Timeline: Refer to the excellent A Brief History of North American Ks for detailed explanations of Canadian-made K cymbals, "EAK", "IAK", "Regular", and "Laser" / "Serial Numbered" K. Zildjians.

  • It seems like there are 2 versions of "EAK" cymbals. The earliest ones were heavily hammered, and the marks were close in proximity. The later EAK's were lightly hammered, and spaced apart.

Using the aforementioned webpage's information, if it has a "K" on both sides, with no little ® on the bottom, it is EAK.







Multi Application



  1. "Everything Old Is New Again" (Modern Drummer, October 2001, p.44)

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