Meinl Generation X 12" Jingle Filter China

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Meinl Generation X 12" Jingle Filter China 1.jpg
Meinl Generation X 12" Jingle Filter China 2.jpg
Meinl Generation X 12" Jingle Filter China 3.jpg

Group: Chinas (& Swishes)
Type: Jingle Filter China
Size: 12 Inch
Series: Generation X
Weight: ?g
Years of production: 2007 - Present
Sound file: Generation X 12" Jingle Filter China
Generation X 12" Jingle Filter China
Meinl's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "When I struck the 12" Jingle Filter China (positioned with the jingles down), its prayed high-register notes into the air. This proved a nice contrast to a favorite 18" crash-ride cymbal of mine that produces a dark hiss. Feeling satisfied with this, I positioned the cymbal with the jingles facing up. Unfortunately, whacking it repeatedly bent it out of shape. Popping it back into place solved the problem, but I became slightly tentative thereafter.

While this cymbal is obviously not made of the strongest alloy, it occurred to me that this was a deliberate move on Meinl’s part. The malleable, light quality of the cymbal is the key to its bright sonic characteristics"

Review written by Will Romano ("Product Close-Up - New Meinl Generation X Models >> Wack Attacks And Stacked Hats", Modern Drummer, December 2007, pp.37-38)

Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown