Meinl Mb10 22" Heavy Ride

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Meinl Mb10 22 Heavy Ride 1.jpg
Meinl Mb10 22 Heavy Ride 2.jpg
Meinl Mb10 22 Heavy Ride 3.jpg

Group: Rides
Type: Heavy Ride
Size: 22 Inch
Series: Mb10
Weight: 3340g
Years of production: ?
Sound file: Mb10 22" Heavy Ride
Mb10 22" Heavy Ride
Mb10 22" Heavy Ride
Meinl's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The Meinl MB10 series is one step away from the B8 in terms of copper content (it has 10% tin instead of 8%). This heavy 22″ ride cymbal has a bright ping with a modest wash and would work very well in any rock setting. The ratio of the ping to the wash is a bit too high for jazz, in my opinion.

The lathing is very fine, with light depth and regular spacing, indicating that it was done by CNC machining The bell is not lathed. Hammering was performed by hand, but using a machine to place the hammerstrokes."

Review written by John E. Johnson, Jr. ("Meinl 22″ MB10 Heavy Ride Cymbal",, November 20, 2010)

Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown