Meinl Soundcaster 14" Powerful Hihat

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Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Powerful Hihat
Size: 14 Inch
Series: Soundcaster
Weight: Top: ?g / Bottom: ?g
Years of production: 2004 - 2006
Sound file: unknown
Meinl's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The Medium and Powerful hi-hats were perfect counterparts to the ride cymbals. Top and bottom cymbals were well matched, even thought the bottom cymbals featured large hammer marks, in contrast to the smaller hammer marks found throughout the rest of the Soundcaster series.

Both pairs elicited strong yet not too pointed "chicks" with the foot, which stood out nicely against the overall sound of a drumkit. (The Powerful model was slightly stronger due to its heavier weight.) Both sets of hats splashed nicely as well, mixing perfectly with the rides.

Both pairs had solid, responsive stick definition and plenty of cut when played with the sticks. As I gradually opened them up, they produced increasingly proportionate white noise, providing a nice range of expression. Loose, open quarter notes created a classic rock-out racket, especially on the Powerful hats. Meinl offers both of these hats as Soundwave models as well."
Review written by Martin Patmos ("Product Close-Up - Meinl Soundcaster Cymbals - A New Alloy Creates A New Sound Palette", Modern Drummer, May 2005, p.33)

Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown