Paiste 1000 RUDE 14" Hi-Hat
Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Hi-Hat
Size: 14 Inch
Series: 1000 RUDE
Weight: | Top: 798g | / | Bottom: 1074g (1990 SN) |
Top: 800g | / | Bottom: 1105g (1987 SN) | |
Top: 802g | / | Bottom: 1082g | |
Top: 804g | / | Bottom: 1090g (1987 SN) |
Median Weight: Top: 801g (n=4) / Bottom: 1086g (n=4)
Years of production: 1986 - 1992
Sound file: 1000 RUDE 14" Hi-Hat (Reviewed Below)
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: Don't let the RUDE moniker fool you - these aren't necessarily made only for loud music. These remind me of the 2002 14" Medium Hi-Hat, but maybe with a slight "unrefined" quality. These respond quickly to the stick, and lack the "cut" of the regular RUDE series hi-hats, which are heavier. I got a decent "chick" when played with the foot pedal, and a fair amount of "slosh" when played in the open position. My video is linked above.
Review written by Bluejacketsfan
Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown