Paiste Alpha 18" Rock Crash

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Alpha 18 Rock Crash 1.jpg
Alpha 18 Rock Crash 3.jpg
Alpha 18 Rock Crash 2.jpg

Group: Crashes
Type: Rock Crash
Size: 18 Inch
Series: Alpha
Weight: 1532g, 1541g, 1542g
Median Weight: 1541g (n=3)
Years of production: 2010 - 2016
Sound file: Alpha 18" Rock Crash
Alpha 18" Rock Crash
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The Rock crashes, which range in size 16" through 20", were extra bright and immediate. They made their statement and decayed in a relatively quick fashion."
Review written by Martin Patmos ("Paiste's Redesigned Alpha Cymbals - Updated Looks And Sound", Modern Drummer, September 2006, p. 36)
Review: "The Brilliant finish on cymbals has become very popular. This one is the Alpha Brilliant Rock Crash, and is a cousin to the Alpha Brilliant Metal Crash reviewed here. The close-up photo shows the lathing is about the same for both cymbals, but the hammering is not quite as deep in the Rock Crash."
Review written by John E. Johnson, Jr. ("Paiste 18″ Alpha Brilliant Rock Crash Cymbal",, November 12, 2010)
Artist/song where it can be heard: unknown