Paiste Signature 22" Rough Ride

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Signature 22 Rough Ride 1.jpg
Signature 22 Rough Ride 2.jpg
Signature 22 Rough Ride 3.jpg
Signature 22 Rough Ride 4.jpg
  • See this video for more information about this model.

Group: Rides
Type: Rough Ride
Size: 22 Inch
Series: Signature
Weight: 2878g (1st version}, 2978g (1992 Serial Number), 3024g (1989 Serial Number), 3136g (1998 Serial Number)
Median Weight: 3001g (n=4)
Years of production: 1989 - ?
Sound file: Signature 22" Rough Ride (Version 1)
Signature 22" Rough Ride - Both Versions, with explanations on differences
Sound Creation 22" Dark Ride compared to Signature 22" Rough Ride
Signature 22" Rough Ride (Version 1)
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: I've not been lucky enough to hear all the Signature rides that would compare in some way to this model - I may never get to hear the Dark Full Ride or the Dark Crash/Ride - but I'd have to say this is the darkest, and most complex of the series. While I've read this is the "poor man's Dark Ride", it isn't exactly that easy of a comparison. Both models are exotic with a warm wash, but the one thing I feel is that the Dark Ride is lower in pitch and with more stick definition. The Rough Ride seemed a bit more delicate and airy than the Dark Ride, and maybe a bit less warm (and this will sound weird) with just a little "icy" quality.

The bell on both the 1st and 2nd versions of this model is, well...not so great. It sort of reminded me of a small toy cymbal when I hit it with the taper of the stick. (this goes especially for the 2nd version) Crashing it wasn't so pleasing, but it wasn't a turn-off either.

All in all, while not everyone will find a use for the Rough Ride, those that do will enjoy it in their set up.

Review written by Bluejacketsfan

Artist/song where it can be heard: Steve Jordan, Jim Keltner, Pat Mastelotto, Fredy Studer