Paiste Sound Creation New Dimension 22" Dark China

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Sound Creation New Dimension 22" Dark China Top
SC ND 22 dark chine2.jpg

Group: Chinas (& Swishes)
Type: Dark China
Size: 22 Inch
Series: Sound Creation New Dimension
Weight: 2365g
Median Weight: 2365g (n=1)
Years of production: 1985 - 1989
Sound file: New Dimension 22" Dark China
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: She sounds fantastic. Ride her for a very dark and exotic feel. Crash her for one of the smoothest, enormous China sounds you can get. She is a wonderful cymbal, and I'm glad that I kept searching.
Review by: Matt Bettis
Review: When crashed, a big full, LOUD sound. Kinda reminds me of a cross between a Swish and a China. It doesn't seem like a China in the typical sense. (in comparison to regular 2002 Chinas, for example.) Can be ridden (à la Simon Phillips) to great effect. Rolls nicely too. I could see this being used bell-side up by big band style drummers for a nice effect at the end of a song like Buddy Rich. This has a rich sustain, so it builds up well. Would probably cut through a guitar amp with the greatest of ease.
Review by: Stranjluv101
Artist/song where it can be heard: Nicko McBrain