Wuhan 12" China

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Group: Chinas (& Swishes)
Type: China
Size: 12 Inch
Series: Wuhan
Weight: 510g, 554g
Median Weight: 532g (n=2)
Years of production: 1981 - ?
Sound file: Wuhan 12" China
Wuhan 12" China
Wuhan 12" China
Wuhan 12" China
Review: "Starting with the smallest China cymbal Wuhan makes, the 12" Lion is available in thin and medium weights. Our 12" thin was lower-pitched than the medium, and had a surprisingly low tone for such a small cymbal. Both the medium and the thin 12" Chinas worked well when used for a trashy, splash-cymbal effect and mounted in the normal fashion. When mounted upside-down, both were excellent for quick, multiple hits in rapid succession. They were loud, with the medium weight offering just a bit more volume, and they had almost no sustain; they really barked! I would suggest that if you are looking for a China cymbal at this size and plan to use it in a loud context, buy the medium weight cymbal. The thin seemed delicate and might not holdup to a heavy beating."

Review written by William F. Miller (Modern Drummer "Wuhan Cymbals", May 1989, p. 41)