Z Zildjian 13" Dyno Beat Hi Hat

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Z Zildjian 13 Dyno Beat Hi Hat 1.jpg
"Top" - Concave Open Penta
"Bottom" - Convex Closed Hex

Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Dyno Beat Hi Hat
Size: 13 Inch
Series: Z Zildjian
Weight: (Note: Z series did not have "Top" or "Bottom" designations, but used a different computer hammering for each cymbal. Usually one finds these as top/bottom weights without denoting which weight is for which hammering, hence, one isn't sure which is being measured.)

"Top": 1428g / "Bottom": 1492g
Convex Closed Hex: 1390g, 1402g, 1404g, 1410g, 1415g (1996 Serial Number), 1423g, 1423g, 1430g, 1434g, 1445g, 1456g, 1470g, 1489g, 1493g, 1502g, 1520g, 1550g, 1556g, 1616g
Concave Open Penta: 1465g

Median Weight: Convex Closed Hex - 1445g (n=19) / Concave Open Penta: 1465g (n=1)
Years of production: 1986 - 1993
Sound file: Z Zildjian 13" Dyno Beat Hi Hat
Z Zildjian 13" Dyno Beat Hi Hat
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review written by
Artist/song where it can be heard: Tommy Aldridge