Zildjian FX 12"/14" Remote Trash Hats

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Zildjian FX 1214 Trash Hats 1.jpg
Zildjian FX 1214 Trash Hats 2.jpg
Zildjian FX 1214 Trash Hats 3.jpg

Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Remote Trash Hats
Size: 12"/14" Inch
Series: FX
Weight: Tops: 828g, 832g, 835g, 866g

Bottom was a 14" China Trash

Years of production: 1994 - 2003
Sound File: unknown
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 12" top/14" bottom combination was not as high-pitched, had an almost acceptable "chick" sound, and sounded good when ridden on. It was the most versatile of the three sizes, meaning its splash sound, chick sound, and closed-ride sound all worked. "

Review written by William F. Miller ("Zildjian Oriental Trash Hats And Cymbal Safe", Modern Drummer, August 1994, p.38)

Artist/song where it can be heard: Steve Smith