Zildjian FX 18" Trash Crash

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Zildjian Oriental 18 Trash Crash 1.jpg
Zildjian Oriental 18 Trash Crash 2.jpg
Zildjian Oriental 18 Trash Crash 3.jpg

Group: Crash
Type: Trash Crash
Size: 18 Inch
Series: FX (formerly known as Oriental)
Weight: 1297g
Years of production: 1999 - ?
Sound file: FX 18" Trash Crash
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "Zildjian describes their new Oriental Trash crashes as being "the perfect hybrid of a China and a crash, with the shorter sustain and quick trashy attack of a China and the full-bodied sound of a crash." These cymbals are much more crash-like than China-sounding, but they do produce a pleasing sound. (Unusual for most Chinas, wouldn't you say?)

The Oriental Trash crashes are thin, with a very flat taper and a short, flattened bell ("square"). They also have a brilliant finish. The sound they produce is exotic, with a hint of the Orient in there, which dies off quickly due to the cymbals' short sustain. Plus they have a nice feel, in that there's a lot of "give" when you strike them.

One thing I particularly liked about both the 16" and 18" Oriental Trash crashes is that they aren't painfully loud, as some China-inspired cymbals can be. It's a soft, rich crash sound. These cymbals would be especially effective in low- to medium-volume settings (or in any situation where you need a controlled crash sound), as you get the Oriental spice without the bite."

Review written by William F. Miller ("Zildjian Newcomers", Modern Drummer, October 1999, p. 43)

Artist/song where it can be heard: