Zildjian Re-Mix 16" EFX
Group: Crashes
Type: EFX
Size: 16 Inch
Series: Re-Mix
Weight: 980g, 1108g, 1148g
Years of production: 1999 - 2005
Sound File: Re-Mix 16" EFX
Re-Mix 16" EFX
Re-Mix 16" EFX
Re-Mix 16" EFX
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "Zildjian got wacky with this one, taking a thin 16" crash, cutting slots in it, and attaching nine sets of tambourine jingles to the outside edge. The idea is to recreate the white-noise accents heard in drum 'n' bass music, which is the main focus of the Re-Mix line.
This is actually a pretty cool cymbal. In some ways it has a sound reminiscent of a China cymbal, with that short, trashy effect. However, the EFX is nowhere near as loud. It's a more controlled sound than I would have expected.
If you're one of the few (but growing) number of drummers playing drum 'n' bass live, this would seem to be the perfect cymbal. For the rest of us, the EFX could work well for very quick punctuations. I had fun playing upbeat-8th ride patterns on it, for sort of that Carter Beauford/China effect. And the EFX does that without being too loud or painful.
While the basic effect of the EFX was good, I'd sure like to hear a similar design but with a bit more presence. Maybe using small-er slots or fewer jingles (so many seem to really stifle the sound) would give this cymbal the added oomph it seems to need."
Review written by William F. Miller ("Zildjian Newcomers", Modern Drummer, October 1999, p. 43)
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