Zildjian ZBT Plus 10" Splash

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Zildjian ZBT Plus 10 Splash 1.jpg
Zildjian ZBT Plus 10 Splash 2.jpg
Zildjian ZBT Plus 10 Splash 3.jpg

Group: Splashes
Type: Splash
Size: 10 Inch
Series: ZBT Plus
Weight: ?g
Years of production: 1998* - 2002
Sound File: unknown
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "This 10" splash is a new addition to the entry-level ZBT series, which hasn't had a small splash cymbal up to this point. It's a moderately clangy splash, with quite a few dark undertones that surprised me. It isn't what I'd call "pretty-sounding," but it should appeal to its target market of younger players (who have not yet developed highly exotic tastes). It's a good, functional splash that will provide an opportunity to create tasty accents—and still with-stand the rigors of "student life.""
Review written by Rick Van Horn ("Product Close-up - New Zildjian Cymbals", Modern Drummer, March 1999, p.53)
Artist/song where it can be heard:

(*) "New And Notable - Zildjian Celebrates The Old And The New" (Modern Drummer, June 1998, p.36)