Zildjian ZHT 16" China

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Zildjian ZHT 16 China 1.jpg
Zildjian ZHT 16 China 3.jpg

Group: Chinas
Type: China
Size: 16 Inch
Series: ZHT
Weight: ?g
Years of production: 2006 - ?
Sound file: ZHT 16" China
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 16" China seemed pretty much a one-trick pony: You hit it, it explodes, and it's gone. (I can hear someone saying, Yes!) On the other hand, it was more diverse in overtones than one of my "made in China" China cymbals."

Review written by T. Bruce Wittet ("Zildjian ZHT Cymbals - Nice Alloy...Nice Sound", Modern Drummer, August 2006, p. 36)

Artist/song where it can be heard: