Zildjian ZXT 18" Medium Thin Crash
Group: Crashes
Type: Medium Thin Crash
Size: 18 Inch
Series: ZXT
Weight: ?g
Years of production:2002 - 2013
Sound file: ZXT 18" Medium Thin Crash
ZXT 18" Medium Thin Crash
ZXT 18" Medium Thin Crash
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The ZXT line offers a large selection of crashes in thin, medium-thin, and Rock weights. The thin models offer more wash and spread than their medium-thin and Rock siblings do. The medium-thins are darker in tone than the thins are, and they produce a brighter attack. The Rock crashes are very dark and heavy-sounding."
Review written by Mike Haid ("Product Close-Up - Zildjian ZXT Series Cymbals - Clean-Cut, Bright, And Good-Looking Too!", Modern Drummer, February 2003, p.36)
Artist/song where it can be heard: