Paiste Sound Formula

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Sound Formula

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Introduction: 1990
Discontinued: 1996
Background:Sound Formula cymbals are the second series to be made from the famous ‘Paiste Sound Alloy’, the patented bronze we invented specifically for creating cymbal sounds.
These instruments work well in live and studio settings that require cymbals with an ‘attitude’. They are the perfect instruments for drummers and percussionists who consider themselves to be ‘expressive artists’ on the cutting edge of modern music. The sound character of these cymbals is fresh, contemporary – even experimental– with brilliance and vigorous articulation.
With Sound Formula, Paiste not only sets the standard for progressive professional cymbal sound, but also creates a vehicle for our ongoing quest for original and unusual sounds. We are currently exploring the trends towards increased interest for small sounds, exotic timbres and "traditional' models with unusual harmonics.
Some examples of the innovative character of the Sound Formula series include small sounds (6" Splash, 12" Thin China), exotic timbres (13" Mega Cup Chime, 12" Flanger Bell), and cymbals with unusual harmonics and functions (16" Crystal Crash, 10" Micro Hat). Even if your main set doesn't consist of Sound Formulas, this is the perfect cymbal line to draw from to complement your personal creativity. (2)
Innovation: First series created from patented bronze that was specifically researched and developed for cymbal sounds
Alloy: Patented Signature Bronze
Quality: Professional
Offered as: Sound Formula - Sound Formula Reflector
Production: Manual craftsmanship • Hand hammering, hand lathing • Proprietary manufacturing methods
Sound: Controllable, modern,elegant;low middle, and high frequencies are evenly represented and very much in tune with each other, producing melodic and very musical sounds; every model is well defined and crisp, yet full and powerful when required. (1)




Chinas (& Swishes)

Splashes (& Bells)


Sound Formula Reflector

Introduction: 1993
Background: Produced in Paiste's Swiss factory, whereas the regular Sound Formulas of the time were made in the German factory. (3)
Innovation: The Sound Formula Reflector (SFR to save space) is finished by a process that achieves a glistening appearance without buffing or the application of any coating. They are excellently suited for live music and situations where loud cymbals are required. (3)
Alloy: Patented Signature Bronze
Quality: Professional
Offered as: Sound Formula - Sound Formula Reflector
Production: Manual craftsmanship • Hand hammering, hand lathing • Proprietary manufacturing methods




Chinas (& Swishes)

Splashes (& Bells)

Information from:

  1. Modern Drummer, September 1991, pg. 5
  2. Paiste Sound Formula Leaflet / (1998)
  3. Modern Drummer (May 1993, pages 36-38)

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