A Custom 14" Projection Hi-Hat

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A Custom 14 Projection Hi Hat 1.jpg
A Custom 14 Projection Hi Hat B.jpg
A Custom 14 Projection Hi Hat 3.jpg
A Custom 14 Projection Hi Hat 4.jpg

Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Projection Hi-Hat
Size: 14 Inch
Series: A Custom
Weight: Top: 1055g / Bottom: 1313g (2003 Serial Number)

Top: 1074g / Bottom: 1373g
Top: 1086g / Bottom: 1405g
Top: 1156g / Bottom: 1407g
Top: 1156g / Bottom: 1412g (2002 Serial Numbers)
Top: 1168g / Bottom: 1382g
Top: 1174g / Bottom: 1329g (2001 Serial Numbers)
Top: 1175g / Bottom: 1443g (2003 Serial Numbers)
Top: 1184g / Bottom: 1391g
Top: 1212g / Bottom: 1283g
Top: 1174g (2005 Serial Number)

Median Weight: Top: 1156g (n=11) / Bottom: 1387g (n=10)
Years of production: 1996 - 2006
Sound file: A Custom 14" Projection Hi-Hat
A Custom 14" Projection Hi-Hat
A Custom 14" Projection Hi-Hat
A Custom 14" Projection Hi-Hat
A Custom 14" Projection Hi-Hat
A Custom 14" Projection Hi-Hat
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: I like these for Rock music, as they are bright, glassy, and cutting.

Review written by Bluejacketsfan

Review: "This new hi-hat design from Zildjian is "drummer friendly." Why? First, the sound. The name "Projection" hi-hats might lead you to believe that they're loud and possibly limited. Yes, they have a beautifully clean and cutting chick sound—both the 13" and 14" models spoke easily through the loud band I played them with. But the stick sound on the hats is excellent as well—not heavy at all. And the splash sound? Delicate, yet with a hint of dirt that gives the sound some personality. These are some of the nicest-sounding hi-hats I've heard. (I put my 14"Ks back in the bag—at least for now.)

Now for the innovation. The A Custom Projection hats have an enlarged cup. This bigger bell, while not dominating the bow of the top cymbal, gives you some different sound possibilities. The cymbals seem to be just a bit thicker at the bell, so when playing the bell with the hats held tightly together, there's a noticeably brighter sound than from the bow. A slight sonic option.

It's when you start messing around with opening and closing the hats while playing on the bell that things get interesting. All sorts of ideas jump out: double-stroke rolls between the open hi-hat bell and the ride cymbal bell; a two-16ths-and-an-8th pattern where the hi-hat is opened on the "&s"; a very cool sounding open/closed cascara pattern on the bell of the hi-hat while pulsing quarter notes with the foot; bashing straight quarter notes on the open bell while playing a double pedal groove underneath—loads of possibil-ities. It's nice to have another playable bell sound on the kit, especially one you can open and close.

Obviously these hi-hats are pretty exciting. You have the combination of a great"traditional" hi-hat sound with what is essentially a new instrument."

Review written by William F. Miller ("Product Close-Up - A Zildjian Potpourri", Modern Drummer, July 1997, pp. 42-43)

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