A Zildjian & Cie Vintage 20" Ride
Group: Rides
Type: Ride
Size: 20 Inch
Series: A Zildjian & Cie Vintage
Weight: 1758g, 1902g, 1964g, 1966g, 1999g
Median Weight: 1964g (n=5)
Years of production: 2001 - 2007
Sound file: A Zildjian & Cie Vintage 20" Ride
A Zildjian & Cie Vintage 20" Ride
A Zildjian & Cie Vintage 20" Ride
A Zildjian & Cie Vintage 20" Ride
A Zildjian & Cie Vintage 20" Ride
A Zildjian & Cie Vintage 20" Ride
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "Described as medium thin by Zildjian, I'd peg this ride more specifically on the thin side as compared to most others on the market. That thinness gives it an airy, breathy sound when played softly and a sweet, pure, musical sound when played more forcefully. Even when I played at a fairly energetic volume level, the cymbal responded with a sibilance that gave it body, without ever getting washy or trashy-sounding. A nylon-tipped stick brought out more highs—and thus more stick articulation—while a wood-tipped stick retained the vintage character of the ride sound. As a bonus, the cymbal's thinness gave it excellent response when crashed, too.
The bell on this model is not large, and the bell-ride sound isn't great. But then, drummers didn't play the bells very much back in the swing era. What they did do was propel twenty-piece big bands with the shimmering sound of rides like this. Very sweet."
Review written by Rick Van Horn ("Product Close-Up - New Zildjian Cymbals", Modern Drummer, June 2001, p. 36)
Artist/song where it can be heard: