Paiste Dimensions 20" Medium Ride
Group: Rides
Type: Medium Ride
Size: 20 Inch
Series: Dimensions
Weight: 2456g, 2458g, 2474g, 2485g (1999 Serial Number), 2502g, 2512g, 2514g, 2524g, 2530g, 2533g (2000 Serial Number), 2550g
Median Weight: 2512g (n=11)
Years of production: 1999 - 2005
Sound file: Dimensions 20" Medium Ride
Dimensions 20" Medium Ride
Dimensions 20" Medium Ride
Dimensions 20" Medium Ride
Dimensions 20" Medium Ride
Paiste's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The rides I played possessed great definition and control. Playing aggressive ride patterns produced a full yet contained spread. The sound was very clear and cutting, owing to the 2002 alloy. Due to the weight of the cymbals, stick response was satisfying, making it easy to play bounce strokes. The bell sounds were clear and distinct, mostly due to the shaping of the bell. (The bell area is clearly defined, meaning that the shoulder doesn't gradually taper into it.) The bell of each cymbal responded well, while producing very little sound from the rest of the cymbal. Brushwork on all the rides was filled with high overtones, and sounded very clean.
The 18" possessed a light, high-pitched voice. It had great stick response and definition. Quick ride patterns came through with articulation and a controlled undercurrent. This was my favorite ride because of the nature of its voice and the way that that voice sang above the others like rainfall. It was not overpowering by any means, but had a clarity arid lightness that made it a pleasant experience. I also enjoyed the fact that the 18" was a true ride, not a crash-ride, as 18" cymbals often are. Striking it with a glancing (or "crashing") blow produced a response like that of the other rides.
The 20" was very easy to play, with pleasing, articulate response. It had a medium-range voice that fit between the other two sizes and would be great for general-purpose playing. The 22" produced a smoky undercurrent beneath a clear voice, and the spread built but did not overpower."
Review written by Chap Ostrander ("Paiste Dimensions Cymbals", Modern Drummer, April 2000, p.48)
Artist/song where it can be heard: Chad Wackerman