Sabian APX 16" Crash

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Group: Crashes
Type: Crash
Size: 16 Inch
Series: APX
Weight: 1084g
Median Weight: 1084g (n=1)
Years of production: 2008 - ?
Sound file: APX 16" Crash
APX 16" Crash
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 16" crash really began to show the characteristics referred to by Sabian, being aggressive, fast and, for want of a better expression, 'in yer face'. A shower of toppiness greeted each strike and, instead of quickly dying with the decay, it seemed to chase its way around the grooves, lending a sizzling feel to the cymbal."

Review written by Adam Jones ("Sabian APX Cymbals review - Boasting a 'high decibel design' that claims to 'break sound barriers'. Did we mention they were loud?",, July 2, 2008) (retrieved February 11, 2025)

Artist/song where it can be heard: