Sabian HH 22" Vanguard
Group: Multi-Application
Type: Vanguard
Size: 22 Inch
Series: HH Vanguard
Weight: 2086g, 2185g, 2193g, 2193g, 2196g, 2240g, 2250g, 2268g
Median Weight: 2195g (n=8)
Years of production: 2016 - ?
Sound file: HH 22" Vanguard
HH 20", 21", 22" Vanguard Cymbals
HH 22" Vanguard
HH 22" Vanguard
HH 22" Vanguard
HH 22" Vanguard
HH 22" Vanguard
HH 22" Vanguard
HH 20" & 22" Vanguards
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 22" is our favourite as it encapsulates these traits in the best way possible. Dark and thin, responsive and with a softness that allows you to really dig in."
Review written by Tom Bradley ("Sabian HH Vanguard Cymbals review - Sabian expands and remasters the Hand Hammered line",, December 28, 2016)
Artist/song where it can be heard: