Zildjian Impulse 14" Power Hat

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Zil;djian Impulse 14 Power Hat 1.jpg
Zil;djian Impulse 14 Power Hat 2.jpg
Zildjian Impulse 14 Power Hat 3.jpg
Zildjian Impulse 14 Power Hat 4.jpg

Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Power Hat
Size: 14 Inch
Series: Impulse
Weight: Top: 1110g / Bottom: 1087g

Top: 1130g / Bottom: 1106g
Bottom: 1120g

Years of production: 1983 - 1986
Sound file: Impulse 14" Power Hat
Impulse 14" Power Hat
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "On the second night with the 14" pair I took special care to set the angle adjuster so that the hi-hats would be less prone to this happening. The situation improved somewhat, but despite the undoubtedly tremendous sound, this design is not for me.

Zildjian make a hi-hat model in the A range, called Quick Beats, that have little holes cut in the main body of the bottom cymbal, and this seems a much more sensible way of achieving the same effect. However, I'm advised that this method was tried in the research stage and isn't so efficient as the new chunks-out-of-the-side system on the Power Beats."

Review written by Johnny Kirke ("Zildjian Impulse Cymbals", One Two Testing, May 1984)

Artist/song where it can be heard: