Zildjian Scimitar 20" Ride
Group: Rides
Type: Ride
Size: 20 Inch
Series: Scimitar
Weight: 2460g, 2470g
Years of production: 1986 - 1997
Sound File: Scimitar 20" Ride
Scimitar 20" Ride
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "A Scimitar that works far better as a Ride than the Crash Ride is, um... the 20" Ride. Not surprising really but what is surprising is just how good this cymbal is for the money. Definitely the best of the bunch it has a credible bell sound and a pleasant, well rounded (if a little clangy) ride sound. Again it's as heavy as it needs to be and the overtones, although definitely there, are not pronounced enough to be a nuisance. Not a great Ride cymbal but one that should prove dependable and solid."
Review written by Simon Braund ("Zildjian Scimitar Cymbals", Phaze 1, July 1989)
Artist/song where it can be heard: