Zildjian ZBT 16" China
Group: Chinas
Type: China
Size: 16 Inch
Series: ZBT
Weight: 1032g
Years of production: 2008* - ?
Sound file: ZBT 16" China
ZBT 16" China
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "I was having so much fun playing along to Black Sabbath in headphones testing out these new Zildjians. I was so positive about the ZBT 20″ crash/ride I thought about maybe putting on a Zildjian hat or something. But then … then I put the ZBT 16″ China up on the cymbal stand. Umm … it looks cool. It’s shiny, with concentric hammering on the inside, and a very rounded transition from bow to edge. But it fell short of the fantastic bargain example set by the crash/ride.
To my ears, it had an attack that was nicely hard and metallic, but too short. The decay, what little there was, lacked any of the spreading sonic gravel that should follow the Oriental bark of a good Chinese cymbal. This just went “dong” on one side.
I turned it over, got a “whoosh,” but not a very good one — still too short. With headphones on I rocked out on it a while, but it didn’t grow on me. Did I mention that I gave the Zildjian ZBT 20″ crash/ride two thumbs up?
Review written by John Nyman ("Zildjian ZBT And ZHT Reviewed!",Drum!)
Artist/song where it can be heard:
(*) Zildjian Price List and Product Index 2008