Zildjian ZBT 18" China

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Zildjian ZBT 18 China 1.jpg
Zildjian ZBT 18 China 2.jpg
Zildjian ZBT 18 China 3.jpg

Group: Chinas
Type: China
Size: 18 Inch
Series: ZBT
Weight: ?g
Years of production: 2000 - 2002; 2004 - 2019
Sound file: ZBT 18" China
Zildjian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "This cymbal epitomizes the qualities of the ZBT line. It's very bright, loud, and cutting. The voice is intense and quick to speak, with an equally quick decay. (I gave it a preliminary hard shot with a stick, and had to go and glue one of my ears back on.) It didn't respond well to light mallet work—it really wanted to be played harder. When it was, it sang out. This China would cut through just about anything, and the price makes it especially affordable for students."

Review written by Chap Ostrander ("Product Close-Up - New Zildjian Cymbals", Modern Drummer, February 2001, p. 50)

Review: "The 18' ZBT China offered an interesting blend of musical colors. Though it was higher in pitch than any other China I've ever played, this cymbal offered plenty of "trash" and projection when mounted upside-down and played aggressively. Yet it acted as a convincing alternate ride (on the inner bow) or effects cymbals (on the flanged outer bow with the bell) when played in the traditional upright configuration. Nice."

Review written by Phil Ferraro ("Product Close-Up - New Zildjian Models - Treats For Pros And Students Alike"), Modern Drummer, February 2005, p. 37)

Artist/song where it can be heard: