Sabian Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 14" Hi Hats
Group: Hi-Hats
Type: Hi Hats
Size: 14 Inch
Series: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series
Weight: Top: 916g / Bottom: 1392g
- Top: 995g / Bottom: 1409g
- Top: 998g / Bottom: 1412g
- Top: 1030g / Bottom: 1550g
- Top: 1035g / Bottom: 1430g
- Top: 1050g
- Top: 995g / Bottom: 1409g
Years of production: 1994 - ?
Sound file: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 14" Hi Hats
Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 14" Hi Hats
Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 14" Hi Hats
Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 14" Hi Hats
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The 14" Encore hi-hats are thinner than their older brothers, making their pitch a bit lower. They also have more overtones, which combines to give the Encore hats a slightly darker quality than the original DeJohnettes. The new models also feature larger bells, which don't produce the almost anvil-like clang of the originals. The "chick" sound is very similar on both versions, with the Encores being a bit darker, but what really distinguishes the new models is their ability to generate a good swishy sound when in the half-open position—a sound that was near-impossible with the original DeJohnette hi-hats. Overall, the new hi-hats produce darker, fatter sounds than the more metallic-sounding originals (making the Encores better-suited for mainstream jazz playing while the previous version might work better for rock or funk settings.)
Review written by Rick Mattingly ("Product Close-Up - New Sabian Cymbals", Modern Drummer, January 1995, pp. 30-31)
Artist/song where it can be heard: