Sabian Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 20" Chinese

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Sabian JDJ Encore 20 Chinese 1.jpg
Sabian JDJ Encore 20 Chinese 2.jpg
Sabian JDJ Encore 20 Chinese 3.jpg

Group: Chinas
Type: Chinese
Size: 20 Inch
Series: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series
Weight: 2134g, 2146g, 2194g
Median Weight: 2146g (n=3)
Years of production: 1994 - ?
Sound file: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 20" Chinese
Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 20" Chinese
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The Encore China cymbal should find favor with drummers who like to ride on a China cymbal and get a dark, trashy sound without excessive overtone buildup. The cymbal is a bit too dark and gongy-sounding to work as a crash, but definition is excellent and it has just enough overtones to give it that Chinese sound. This is a definite improvement over the original DeJohnette China cymbal, which didn't have enough overtones and was too metallic-sounding. The Encore model solves that problem, but remains one of the darkest, driest Chinas you'll ever hear."

Review written by Rick Mattingly ("Product Close-Up - New Sabian Cymbals", Modern Drummer, January 1995, p. 31)

Artist/song where it can be heard: