Sabian Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 22" Flat Ride

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Sabian JDJ Encore 22 Flat Ride 1.jpg
Sabian JDJ Encore 22 Flat Ride 3.jpg

Group: Rides
Type: Flat Ride
Size: 22 Inch
Series: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series
Weight: 2640g, 2780g, 2896g
Years of production: 1999 - ?
Sound file: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 22" Flat Ride
Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 22" Flat Ride
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The Dejohnette has an even sound and good stick response. It's a very sensitive cymbal that would not interfere while playing behind a sax solo, yet would always be present. Its weight and shape help it to have great stick definition with no underlying spread, even during hard riding. The 20" had a lower voice than the 22", and was more subdued.

I was concerned by the fact that the 20" seemed to "wave" while I played it. There was a rippling effect on the side opposite where I struck it. This is apparently a feature of flat cymbals, and was less pronounced in the 22" model that I tested.

Encore cymbals appear to be covered in flat gold or bronze paint. Yet no coating has been applied, and the finish is not achieved by a lathing process. So what it is exactly, I can't say, and Sabian isn't telling. They worked with Jack to get the sound that he wanted, and this is the way they got it. The finish will wear like any other cymbal, and is not available in brilliant."

Review written by Chap Ostrander ("Product Close-up - Sabian Signature And Specialty Ride Cymbals", Modern Drummer, September 1999, p.40)

Artist/song where it can be heard: