Sabian Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 22" Mini Bell Ride

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Sabian JDJ Encore 22 Mini Bell Ride 1.jpg

Group: Rides
Type: Mini Bell Ride
Size: 22 Inch
Series: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series
Weight: 2435g, 2646g
Years of production: 1997* - ?
Sound file: Jack DeJohnette Encore Series 22" Mini Bell Ride
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "The newest addition to the distinctive Jack DeJohnette signature line of cymbals is a 22" Mini Bell Ride. Like other cymbals in the series, it has a brushed-gold finish and a very dry sound. But it also has a nice complement of mid-range overtones that produce a "velvety" sound, and the mini bell design provides good definition. While some 22" cymbals can be overwhelming, this one isn't, and it would work fine in an acoustic setting. In general, the DeJohnette cymbals are for specialized tastes, but this one could easily attract a more mainstream following for its smooth sound."

Review written by Rick Mattingly ("Product Close-Up - New Sabian Cymbals", Modern Drummer, November 1997, p.44)

Artist/song where it can be heard:

(*) "New And Notable - New Sabian Cymbals" (Modern Drummer, November 1997, p.44)