Sabian Jack DeJohnette Signature Series 20" Chinese
Group: Chinas
Type: Chinese
Size: 20 Inch
Series: Jack DeJohnette Signature Series
Weight: 2148g, 2231g, 2255g, 2261g, 2271g, 2276g, 2342g
Median Weight: 2261g (n=7)
Years of production: 1989 - ?
Sound file: Jack DeJohnette Signature Series 20" Chinese
Jack DeJohnette Signature Series 20" Chinese
Jack DeJohnette Signature Series 20" Chinese
Jack DeJohnette Signature Series 20" Chinese
Jack DeJohnette Signature Series 20" Chinese
Sabian's Description: <<< - >>>
Review: "Finally, there is a 20" China cymbal. Again, it is very dry. If you like to ride on a China cymbal, this might be for you. It's fairly flat for a China, in that the edge is not turned up quite as much as usual. So if you tilt it just a little, you can easily ride on the top without accidentally hitting your stick on the upturned edge. Personally, I preferred mounting it upside down and riding on the bottom, as there were a few more "trashy" overtones when played that way. Riding on the top produced a slightly pingier sound. It wasn't a huge difference, but just enough that it's almost like having two different cymbals to choose from. When crashed, it tended to be very low and gongy, so if you like to use a China cymbal for explosive crashes, you might prefer something else."
Review written by Rick Mattingly "Product Close-Up" (Modern Drummer, Nov. '89, pp. 38-9)
Artist/song where it can be heard: